Police in India arrested Yasin Bhatkal, the alleged head of the Indian Mujahideen militant group, which has been blamed for a string of recent attacks. The group is thought to be behind deadly blasts in the cities of Pune, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Mumbai and Delhi. Bhatkal, who officials say is a co-founder of the home-grown group, is one of the most wanted men in the country. Reports say that he was detained close to the border with Nepal. Yasin Bhatkal was arrested in the northern state of Bihar. He is in the custody of Bihar police and is being questioned. Reports say the 30-year-old is being brought to Delhi. The group was outlawed in 2010 after Indian authorities blamed it for an attack on a German bakery in Pune in which 17 people were killed and 64 people were wounded. IM is also blamed for three coordinated blasts in July 2011 in Mumbai in which 27 people were killed.
Yasin Bhatkal, Indian terrorist arrested in Nepal-India Boarder
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