US intelligence leaker Snowden leaves the Moscow airport after being granted temporary asylum

US intelligence leaker Edward Snowden left the Moscow airport where he has been staying since June after being granted temporary asylum. Snowden's lawyer said he had left after receiving the papers he needed to enter Russian territory from Sheremetyevo Airport's transit zone. The US has charged Snowden with leaking details of its electronic surveillance programs. Russia's decision is likely to further strain its ties with the US. Snowden arrived in Moscow on 23 June from Hong Kong, after making his revelations. The affair has caused diplomatic ructions around the world, upsetting the United States' close allies and traditional enemies. Despite a heavy presence of journalists, his departure was apparently not spotted by media. His lawyer said Snowden's location is not being made public for security reasons, since he is the most pursued man on the planet. The whistleblowing organisation Wikileaks, which has been helping him since he made his revelations, said in a tweet that he had been given asylum. The document, which resembles a Russian ID card and features a fingerprint, shows an issue date of 31 July and expiry date of 31 July 2014.


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